Since 1933 we’ve been delivering unmatched service and expert guidance to clients all over the United States and Canada.
Beginning as a printing company in 1933, we’ve grown and progressed with technology over time. We now provide printing services on state-of-the-art digital presses, along with our service-powered technology that helps our clients manage their time, assets, materials and facility compliance so they can focus their time on more strategic needs. After all, improving our clients’ results is a part of our mission.
Our Mission
To help our partners identify opportunities to improve results by implementing proven tools where available, developing custom solutions when appropriate, and providing unmatched service and expert guidance every step of the way.
Our Vision
Pursuing Excellence, Achieving Results, Sharing Success
Our Approach
We strive for added-value and innovation in everything we pursue, which is why we take a scientific approach towards providing services with a spirit of continuous improvement. Think | Communicate | Question | Understand | Improve | Measure | Repeat

Our team is what separates us from the crowd. Our average employee tenure is more than 12 years, with many of our experienced professionals celebrating more than 25 years with L&R!
- 12
Years: Average Employee Tenure
- 90
Years of Quality Service
- 201k
Pages/Hour Press Capacity